Monday, June 20, 2016

The Mayan Prophecy

ancient discoveries history channel, The Mayan Calendar measures a Long Year. A Long Year is 26,000 circles of the Earth around the Sun. One Earth circle of the Sun is one Earth Year. An Earth Year closes on the 31st December, consistently. The Mayan Calendar closes on the 21st December 2012. It begins again on the 22nd December 2012, which is the primary day of another Long Year. The 22nd December 2012 is a Mayan New Year's Day. The end of a Long Year is co-coincidental with the arrangement of the Earth, the Sun and the Galactic Center on the Winter Solstice. On the Winter Solstice of 21st December 2012, the sun will transcend the skyline and be in direct arrangement with the precise focal point of our Milky Way Galaxy. Because of the revolution of the Heliosphere around the hub of our Sun, this won't happen for an additional 26,000 years, at which time it will check the end of another Long Year of the Mayan Calendar, ought to the Maya still be here to commend it.

ancient discoveries history channel, A Long Year is a Solar Year. It is a timeframe equivalent to 26,000 Earth Years. One Long Year is the time it takes the Sun to make one pivot on its hub. The pivot of the Sun is tangential to its course of circle of the Galactic Center. Not just does the Sun circle the galactic focus, it likewise pivots on its directional hub. It is the sun that turns as well as the entire nearby planetary group or Heliosphere. The Heliosphere is the degree of Space that is impacted by both Solar Gravity and Solar Activity. The Gregorian Calendar, of 365 days and 12 months, plots one transformation of the Earth's circle around our Sun. The Mayan Calendar, with divisions of 260 Earth Days, forecasted the Sun's Axial Rotation on its circle of the Milky Way Galaxy.

ancient discoveries history channel, Precession of the Equinoxes is a twentieth century hypothesis of why the Earth travels through every one of the 12 star groupings of the sky over a time of 26,000 years. It is a response to why the Earth gives off an impression of being moving gradually through one of twelve particular 'Ages', at regular intervals. It is accepted by cutting edge science to be because of the way that the Earth wobbles on its hub. Some even trust that this wobble is because of an inconsistency between attractive north and genuine north that shows up on a 2 dimensional guide. It depends on a perception that a turning top wobbles because of the vivacious encounters that it is encountering as it backs off. However the velocity of twist of the Earth is consistent and has been for centuries. The Theory of the Precession of the Equinoxes depends on the conviction that the Sun is stationary and the Universe flows at the same pace as our Galaxy. Science no more trusts that the Earth is the focal point of our Universe. However its speculations are presently taking into account our Sun being the Center of our Universe.

The Center of our Universe is our Sun. Be that as it may, the Universe is Infinite, it has no limits and consequently the Universe has no inside. An inside is the mid-point between two extremes. The limit of Space is the limit from which its middle can be measured. Our constrained perspective from Earth makes the limits of our known universe with our Sun at the middle. Limits are a restriction of 3 dimensional intuition in view of a 3 dimensional point of view of life. With a 3 dimensional physical point of view of length, expansiveness and stature, these turn into the cutoff points, limits and degree of our 'space'. We seem to live on a 3 dimensional planet, in a 3 dimensional close planetary system, in a 3 dimensional cosmic system, that exists in a multi-dimensional Universe. In a pre-logical Age, Earth was thought to be the focal point of the Universe. The universe spun around the Earth. In our present day Scientific Age the Sun has turned into the focal point of our Solar System and the focal point of our Universe. Later on, amid the Age of Aquarius, the focal Sun of our Milky Way Galaxy will turn into the focal point of our Universe. The Center of the Universe will proceed to change and grow as our Consciousness changes and extends. The Universe lives at the Center of our Consciousness.

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